Diploma Training
Product of the Polytechnic, I obtained my PhD in Environmental and Health Sciences in 2013 after a Master in Biomedical Analysis in 2011 at the University of Abomey-Calavi. Before that, I obtained a Professional License in Biomedical Analysis in 2008 at the same University. My academic career has been punctuated by numerous scientific visits abroad.
I am an Associate Professor in Microbiology at the Department of Human Biology, Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin. Through my laboratory, I have carried out, since the beginning of my career, research works related to two major research programs fully funded by the active participation of my team in competitive calls for projects:
- the fight against the antimicrobial resistance of microorganisms and
- the valorization of plant species of the African flora against several communicable and noncommunicable diseases.
As a scientist, my interests are related to molecular microbiology, hygiene and public health.
My academic background
As a pure polytech’s product, I obtained my PhD in Environmental and Health Sciences in 2013 after a Master’s degree in Biomedical Sciences (2011) at the University of Abomey-Calavi. Before that, I obtained a Bachelor in Biomedical Sciences (2008) at the same University. My academic career has been punctuated by numerous scientific visits abroad.
My activities in terms of national and international cooperation
I am regularly solicited as a trainer/facilitator/expert in resource mobilization and fundraising, both in the university environment and in associations (nongovernmental organizations). Very early, I understood the importance of cooperation for the development of our universities. Thus, in 2016, I was quickly identified by the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) as a Young Affiliate. At this level, my dynamism made me integrate an impressive network of more than 160 universities around the world. This integration allowed me to have many experiences on which the American Society for Microbiology based me to be selected as a Young Ambassador (2016 to 2019) and then as a Country Ambassador to promote their expansion (2020-2026). The good results obtained through multiple activities with high community and social impact (training workshops, awareness campaigns, webinar facilitation, creation of educational multimedia content, etc.), allowed me to be approached by the equivalent of the same well-recognized Society in the UK (Microbiology Society). I am also part of multiple cooperation networks, such as the Global Young Academy and the Africa Science Leadership Program. Starting from nothing, I was able to build a strong team of 40 young dynamic researchers (https://youtu.be/YceZr5UgXxE) for the benefit of the University of Abomey-Calavi and Benin. A unique and modern platform in terms of laboratory equipment, through my Research Unit, was thus created at the University of Abomey-Calavi. My dynamism has thus allowed me, between 2018 and 2021, to be the direct and main actor of more than 10 acts of cooperation with, among others:
- the United States of America with equipment worth more than 300,000 US dollars obtained for the University of Abomey-Calavi
- Finland with mobility projects, capacity building projects for students and teachers-researchers for a total of approximately 600,000 euros for the same institution.
At the national level, I have the ability to establish contacts with many partners and active networks. As Honorary President of the Academy of Young Scientists of Benin, this institutional network has been further anchored. All these achievements have earned me the confidence of the rectoral team of the University of Abomey-Calavi, who appointed me to the position of Head of the International Cooperation Department of the University of Abomey-Calavi (November 2021 to date). This new challenge allowed me to impact the university community through the following:
- The negotiation and signing of partnership agreements led to the awarding of scholarships and research grants to Beninese students by structures such as Direct Aid (Kuwait) and WAPCO-Benin (China), for example, in a vision of empowerment of university youth. A point of honor has always been put in the strict respect of gender.
- Facilitation of the signature and the dynamization of numerous cooperation agreements (cosupervision of theses, project financing agreements, specific agreements, mobility endorsements)
- facilitating the signing of institutional support letters, customs exemption and duty-free admission letters, invitation letters to scientific events for the benefit of academic colleagues
- the elaboration, support and accompaniment in the preparation of applications in response to calls for proposals on the platforms of the European Union (ERASMUS+), the United States (Seeding Labs, NIH) and the United Kingdom (Wellcome Trust)
I teach theoretical and practical courses in microbiology, research methodology and fundraising to students at the University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin. I am regularly invited as a Lecturer-Researcher in many countries, such as Lebanon, Mauritius and Togo, to teach microbiology. Through a collaboration with the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), I initiated the establishment of a unique Master’s program in Molecular and Medical Microbiology (https://urmapha-epacuac.bj/index.php/master-en-microbiologie-moleculaire-et-medicale/), for which I am the Scientific Secretary, in 2018. This program was established to prepare well-trained specialists in microbiology. These people were very useful for Benin during the Lassa fever pandemic and the COVID-19 epidemic. In addition, my commitment to the use of information and communication technologies earned me in 2019, the confidence of the management of my institution, which appointed me as the person in charge of distance learning of the Autonomous Center of Perfection, Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi. This position has allowed me, until the end of 2022, to coordinate 15 distance training courses of Professional Licence with more than 480 registered learners impacted annually. These learners are professional civil servants in state or private companies in Benin.
My research
Thanks to my selection as a Young Affiliate of the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) in 2016, I have collaborated, to date, with 150 researchers from more than 80 research institutes worldwide.
I am the current Head of the Research Unit in Applied Microbiology and Pharmacology of Natural Substances, Research Laboratory in Applied Biology, Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi, University of Abomey-Calavi (https://www.facebook.com/URMAPha; https://youtu.be/YceZr5UgXxE). Each year, more than 150 young researchers are impacted by the activities of this laboratory. My academic career has been regularly enriched by participation in international workshops and symposia, stays in partner laboratories abroad and training funded by various international scientific institutions.
From 2015 to date, I have won 22 competitive research projects as a principal investigator or local coordinator, two as an active collaborator, and more than 75 travel awards. My research output includes the work of 6 PhD and 50 master’s students, 160 peer-reviewed journal articles including 40 in A-ranked journals, and 75 conference abstracts. I am daily involved in data collection, surveillance, diagnostic improvement, capacity building of stakeholders and proposal of alternatives to antibiotics. I actively contribute to the production of innovative scientific data on resistance gene flow in the African environment. In the search for alternatives to the use of antibiotics and from the perspective of the promotion of green pharmacy, I produce, with my team, interesting knowledge on the in vitro and in vivo activity of plant extracts on multidrug-resistant bacterial strains and on other noncommunicable processes. I am one of the pioneers of phage research in Benin with the discovery and sequencing of lytic bacteriophages infecting Acinetobacter baumannii from Beninese wastewater. The results of my works have led to the following innovations, which have been the subject of numerous publications and popularized audiovisual elements:
- the development of three phytomedicines (teas, powders and capsules) against salmonellosis (2020, https://aasopenresearch.org/posters/3-10),
- the production of highly active biopesticides against mosquito larvae (2020, https://devpost.com/software/moscato-for-mosquitoes),
- the development of a biodigester capable of improving the sanitary quality of the vegetables produced (2013).
- My impact on the scientific community: I have directed and contributed to the training of many researchers in science (https://globalyoungacademy.net/first-national-camp-for-young-scientists-held-in-benin/), (https://www.auf.org/nouvelles/actualites/benin-renforcement-de-capacite-dune-quinzaine-de-jeunes-chercheurs-la-pratique-de-publication-darticles/).
During the COVID-19 crisis in Benin, with my team, we contributed to the fight against the escalating price of hydroalcoholic products by producing them locally at lower prices. Additionally, to promote microbiology to undergraduate students, I produced a learning tool available online (https://elearning-uac.bj/) and on Android phones or tablets (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ccap.ccap). I was also identified by TEDX to give a talk on the contribution of traditional medicine to nation building (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UR5wy8LpDPo).
I advocate for causes of interest in Africa, as was the case for the memorandum on COVID-19 (https://globalyoungacademy.net/gya-covid-19-statement/) and the fight against predatory journals in developing countries (https://www.interacademies.org/person/victorien-dougnan). Overall, my activities contribute directly to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals 3 (Access to Health), 4 (Access to Quality Education) and 6 (Access to Safe Water and Sanitation).
My experiences in administrative responsibility
As administration is the foundation of academic and research activities in the university environment, I have invested my experience and background in the service of several administrations of the University of Abomey-Calavi and other scientific institutions at the national level. Thus:
- Since November 2021, I have taken the head of the International Cooperation Service of the University of Abomey-Calavi. I am in charge of the daily management of three divisions:
- the Division of Interuniversity Cooperation and External Relations
- the Strategic Watch and Resource Mobilization Division
- the Division of Management and Monitoring of Cooperation Projects
- Since April 04, 2019, I am in charge of the Division of Distance Education, Centre Autonome de Perfectionnement (CAP), Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi, University of Abomey-Calavi. Beyond the daily tasks related to student recruitment, course planning, evaluations and deliberations, I have contributed to revitalizing the division and making it more efficient in terms of capacity building and support for continuing education.
- Since November 2021, I have taken the head of the International Cooperation Service of the University of Abomey-Calavi. I am in charge of the daily management of three divisions:
- I am the scientific secretary of the Master’s program in Molecular and Medical Microbiology, Life and Earth Sciences Doctoral School, since 2018. With success, I have contributed to the proper planning of theoretical and practical teachings, assessments and deliberation activities for the classes that this training has already experienced.
- Founding member of the Research Unit in Applied Microbiology and Pharmacology of Natural Substances, I was the administrative head of projects from 2017 to 2020. Currently, I am the Head of the Unit, responsible for administrative management and research.
- Since 2018, I am the President of the Academy of Young Scientists of Benin, which allows me to contribute to the scientific policy of Benin through a community of young scientific elites.
– Active member of the Beninese Society of Infectious and Tropical Pathology (SOBEPIT)
– Active member of the American Society for Microbiology (Young Ambassador of the Society in Benin from 2016 to 2019 and Country Ambassador since 2019)
– Young Affiliate to the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)
– Rapporteur of the Climate and Environment Standing Committee of the National Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters of Benin (ANSALB)
– Member of the Global Young Academy
– Member of the Academy of Young Scientists of Benin
– Active member of the International Association for Ecology and Health
– Consultant at the National Institute of Analysis, Communication and Social Groups (INACESS)