DOUGNON Tamègnon Victorien
I am currently working as Senior Lecturer at the Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin. I am involved, through my work, in the fight against antimicrobial resistance in Africa and, as a scientist, my interests are linked to molecular microbiology, hygiene and public health. I am a passionate of medicinal plants against infectious diseases. I do my best to impact Africa’s economic development.
Coordinator of the project entitled: ‘’Roadmap to improve ethics in science and curb predatory publishing (RESCUE) for an amount of 16,667 dollars US | 2023 |
Coordinator of the project entitled: “Roadmap to improve ethics in science and curb predatory publishing (RESCUE)” for an amount of 16,667 dollars US. | June, 2023 |
Local Coordinator for the project titled “Enhancing Skills and Competences of Local Actors to Promote Sustainable Development of Plant-Based Remedies and Phytomedicines in Benin,” funded by ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2 – Capacity Building in Higher Education: Strand 2 – Partnerships for Transformation in Higher Education, 800,000 euros. | September, 2023 |
Coordinator for the project to put Master 1 and 2 programs in Molecular and Medical Microbiology online, funded by the Francophone University Agency as part of the Open and Distance Learning (FOAD) program, €5,000. | June, 2023 |
Coordinator for the project titled “Strengthening Maternal and Neonatal Infection Diagnosis in Benin,” International Development Fund Round 2, 2023, funded by the Microbiology Society, £4,950. | June, 2023 |
Local coordinator of the project entitled “Good Hygiene – Improving Skills and Hospital Practices of Healthcare Professionals to Prevent Maternal and Neonatal Infections in Benin funded by ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2 — Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education: Strand 2 – Partnerships for transformation in higher education, 800,000 euros. | September, 2022 |
Coordinator for the project titled “Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL): Education for a Sustainable and Rational Approach to the Use of Medicinal Plants in Benin – Co-Constructive Pedagogical Strategy, Research, and Dissemination of Good Practices,” funded by the Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL), Finland, €115,560. | September, 2022 |
Local coordinator of the project “Laboratory testing (AMR and Hygiene) in Benin” funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland, 140,000 euros. | June, 2022 |
Winner of the Call for expressions of interest — 2021 Support for establishments in putting a thousand courses online launched by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie and CAMES, 3,000 euros. | June, 2021 |
Coordinator of the project entitled “Stewardship, expertise and bioinformatics for an AMR control national network in West Africa” selected and funded by ERASMUS+, 1,000,000 euros. | October, 2020 |
Local Coordinator for the project entitled “Global Mobility Grant” project funded by the University of Helsinki for the mobility of students, academic staff and researchers between University of Finland and the University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin, 20,000 euros. | July, 2019 |
Coordinator of the Project of Assembly of Open and Massive Online Courses of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) for obtaining a Certification in Microbiology, 10,000 euros. | February, 2018 |
Young Ambassadors Project Fund granted by the American Society for Microbiology. | February, 2018 |
In the field of research
Laureate of the 2023 TWAS Regional Award for “Development of Scientific Educational Materials” | February 2024 |
Laureate Prix Top Outstanding Young People (TOYP) Award in the “Achievement or Leadership in the Field of Education” category awarded by Junior Chamber International (JCI) | November 2023 |
Laureate of the Francophonie Prize for Young Researchers awarded by the Francophone University Agency, 5,000 euros and a Trophy | November 2023 |
Laureate of the Leadership Prize for organizing the Agro-Pastoral Departmental Fair of the Collines (FODACO) organized by the Association for the Development of the Savalou Municipality (ADCS), under the institutional leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries (MAEP). | August 2023 |
Winner of the prestigious Global Sepsis Awards, an award for major contributions to the global fight against sepsis. USD 2500 and a trophy | September 2022 |
Winner of the Leadership Prize in the organization of the Agro-Pastoral Departmental Fair of the FODACO hills by the Association for the Development of the Commune of Savalou | August 2022 |
Winner of the Microbiology Society’s Unlocking Potential Fund, a £5,000 initiative to help winners progress and reach their full professional potential | July 2022 |
Winner of the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) Prize for Young Scientists, 1500 euros | December 2021 |
Letter of congratulations from the Director of the Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi, University of Abomey-Calavi, for the leadership in the construction of the Building (Block B) of the Research Unit in Applied Microbiology and Pharmacology of Natural Substances | 2021 |
Best Teacher Recognition Certificate, Virtual University for International Relations Lead | 2021 |
Winner of the African Leadership Prize in Science by the NGO FIE Africa | 2021 |
Winner of the Best Young African Researcher Award from the Egyptian Academy of Science and Technology worth US$15,000 | April 2021 |
Letter of Congratulations from the Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research received for having won the Best Young African Researcher Prize awarded by the Egyptian Academy of Sciences and Technologies worth 15,000 US dollars | 2019 |
Letter of Congratulations and Encouragement from the Rector of the University of Abomey-Calavi received for winning the ECOWAS Research and Innovation Support Program (PARI) Prize, 200,000 dollars US | 2021 |
Letter of Congratulations from the Director of the Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi received for their contribution to the committee reflecting on the establishment of a Molecular Microbiology section within the Research Unit on Applied Microbiology and Pharmacology of Natural Substances | 2021 |
Certificate of Appreciation for Service in the Youth Council of the Ambassador of the United States of America (USA) to Benin by the Ambassador of the United States to Benin | 2019 |
Congratulations Letter from the Beninese Section of the West African Society of Chemistry (SOACHIM) for the rank of Assistant Professor | 2019 |
2016 National Youth Leadership Prize awarded by the Youth Advisory Body (OCI) | January 2017 |
National Young Scientists Prize 2016 awarded by the World Academy of Sciences | December 2016 |
Travel Grants
Funded by the Advisory Committee of the Forum for Open Research in the MENA Region (FORM) to participate in the 2nd Annual Forum for Open Research in the MENA Region in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. | October, 2023 |
Funded by the International Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance Solutions (ICARS) to attend the Annual Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance in Lusaka, Zambia. | September, 2023 |
Funded by the Microbiology Society to participate in the EMBO Lab Leadership Course in Leimen, Germany. | July, 2023 |
Funded by the Global Innovation Network for Teaching (GINTL) program to participate in scientific events and bilateral meetings for further institutional integration in Finland. | June, 2023 |
Funded by TWAS (The World Academy of Sciences) to participate in the African Continental Conference on Fundamental Sciences for Transformation in Kigali, Rwanda. | June, 2023 |
Funded by the MasterCard Foundation to attend the High-Level Summit on E-learning to discuss perspectives and lay the groundwork for greater success in Saly, Senegal. | May, 2023 |
Funded by the ERASMUS+ program (MIMIN Project) for a stay in Finland as part of strengthening the Benin-Finland collaboration. | April, 2023 |
Funded by ECCMID to participate in the Annual Meeting of the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases on Antimicrobial Resistance in Copenhagen, Denmark. | April, 2023 |
Funded by UNESCO to attend the Forum for Open Research in the MENA Region on Predatory Journals and Conferences in Egypt. | November, 2022 |
Funded by ECOWAS to participate in the African Forum for Research and Innovation at the ECOWAS headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria. | October, 2022 |
Funded by the ARES program for a stay in Brussels to strengthen cooperation between Belgian universities and the University of Abomey-Calavi. | July, 2022 |
Funded by the ERASMUS+ International Credit Mobility program to participate in a high-level workshop on enhancing Finnish cooperation with the University of Abomey-Calavi. | June, 2022 |
Funded by ACEWATER-CARDIFF to attend the ACEWATER-CARDIFF 2022 networking workshop at the Water Institute on developing capacity for sustainable solutions for clean water supply in West Africa. | October, 2019 |
Funded by Finnish University Partnership for International Development (UniPID) for a scientific visit to Finland. | October, 2019 |
Funded by the Phages for Health Program for training in Kumasi, Ghana. | July, 2019 |
Funded by the University of Ghana to attend a leadership training in science. | July, 2019 |
Funded by the Academy of Sciences of South Africa to participate in the Symposium on Infectious Diseases in Africa, Durban, South Africa. | May, 2019 |
Funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation to participate in the Africa Science Leadership Program 2019 and the Launch of the Future Africa Campus University of Pretoria, South Africa. | April, 2019 |
Subsidized by the National Education Committee for a Teaching and Research Mission at the University of Mauritius (Mauritius). | November, 2018 |
Funded by the West African Consortium for Health Research for the 4th Colloquium of the Consortium in Bamako, Mali. | November, 2018 |
Subsidized by the Global Youth Academy to participate in the meeting of Academicians in Kenya. | September, 2018 |
Funded by the Global Youth Academy to participate in the ‘Conference on Sustainable African Cities’ in Accra, Ghana. | July, 2018 |
Funded by the American Society for Microbiology and the World Academy of Sciences to participate in the Annual Conference of Microbiologists ‘Microbe 2018’ in Atlanta, USA. | June, 2018 |
Subsidized by the World Academy of Sciences to participate in the 24th International Scientific Conference of the Lebanese Association for the Advancement of Sciences in Lebanon and for a scientific stay in Lebanon. | May, 2018 |
Subsidized by the Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology will participate in a workshop on “Improving R&D and innovation to create wealth in the African context” in Morocco. | March, 2018 |
Funded by the Chemical Weapons Organization to attend the International Course on Medical Aspects of Chemical Weapons Assistance and Protection in China. | September, 2017 |
Funded by the Young Affiliate Network of the World Academy of Sciences and the Brazilian Academy of Sciences will participate in the 1st General Meeting of TYAN, Rio, Brazil. | August, 2017 |
Subsidized by the Academy of Sciences of South Africa to participate in the 3rd World Meeting of Academies of Sciences. | July, 2017 |
Funded by Lindau to participate in the 67th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, Germany. | July, 2017 |
Subsidized by the organizers of BioVision to participate in the 12th Bio-Vision: The World Forum of Life Sciences, Lyon, France. | April, 2017 |
Funded by the World Academy of Sciences to participate in the 27th Annual Meeting of the Academy in Rwanda. | November, 2016 |
Funded by the Chemical Weapons Organization to participate in the “Regional Workshop on Politics and Diplomacy for Scientists: Introduction to Responsible Research Practices in Chemical and Biological Sciences” in South Africa. | October, 2016 |
Funded by the Japan Science and Technology Agency to attend the 13th Annual Meeting of the Japan Science and Technology Agency. | September, 2016 |
Funded by GSS Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Atlanta) to participate in the Biosafety and Biosecurity workshop organized by the Ministry of Health of Benin. | May, 2016 |
Granted by the New York Academy of Sciences for Science and Technology in Society to participate in the Future Leaders Program 2015. | October, 2015 |