DOUGNON Tamègnon Victorien
I am currently working as Senior Lecturer at the Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin. I am involved, through my work, in the fight against antimicrobial resistance in Africa and, as a scientist, my interests are linked to molecular microbiology, hygiene and public health. I am a passionate of medicinal plants against infectious diseases. I do my best to impact Africa’s economic development.
In the field of education and pedagogy
Year Country Structure |
Experiences |
September 2022 University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin | Coordinator of the Steering Group of the Institutional Support Program of the Academy of Research and Higher Education (ARES) of Belgium at the University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin) |
March 2022 Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS) of Benin | Expert identified by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS) for the validation of evaluation standards for national Bachelor’s and Master’s exams (MemorandumNo. 015/ MESRS/ DC/ SGM/ CT-SRP/ DOSES/DEC/SAF/SEC/SD/SA) |
November 2021 Vice-Ectoratin charge of the International Cooperation of P artenariats and the Professional Organization (VR-CIPIP), University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin | Head of the International Cooperation Department , Vice-Readerin charge of the International Cooperation of Partenariats and the P rofessional Organization (VR-CIPIP), University of Abomey-Calavi |
08 November 2021-08 March 2022 Antimicrobial Resistance Mentorship Program, Ducit Foundation | Cohort mentor on Antimicrobial Resistance: One Health Overview |
08 November 2021 Seeding Labs | Communicateur pour l’évènement Rutgers Seeding Labs Seminar sur le sujet : Involvement of young Beninese researchers in the valorization of traditional recipes based on medicinal plants and fight against antimicrobial resistance |
08—26 November 2021 University of Abomey-Calavi | Main trainer of the Training of Trainers activity on Improving the Quality of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics in Benin organized by Finnish and Beninese partners
12-13 October 2021 Vice-Rectorat in charge of the Interuniversity Cooperation of P artenariats and the Professional Organization (VR-CIPIP), University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin | Main trainer during the session Training of members of the University Unit of International Relations (CURI) on resource mobilization |
September 2021 Microbiology Society, UK | Initiator of the Minutes of Microbes, a monthly program to fight against Antimicrobial Resistance. |
September 2021 University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin | Training of teachers of the Research Master in Molecular and Medical Microbiology, Doctoral School of Life and Earth Sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi on the online delivery of courses |
June 2021 Academy of Young Scientists of Benin | Organization of an awareness activity on sepsis (https://youtu.be/Ai0sfJtRRv8, 19th minute, 25 seconds), (https://label-science.com/benin-un-tueur-silencieux-devoile-par-des-scientifiques) |
Avril 2021 InterAcademy Partnership | Organization of an awareness activity on COVID-19 for the benefit of young students “Stop COVID-19 Module”, https://www.interacademies.org/news/300-students-benin-learn-how-protect-themselves-and-their-communities-covid-19 |
February 2021 | Participation in the Webinar “ Phytotherapy: a key to African success trivialized by some, adulated by others” organized as part of the Month of the History of Africa and its Diasporas, https://youtu.be/fZzDOlm_pDk |
October 2020 | Participation en tant que panéliste au Webinar ‘’ANTIMICROBIAL USE AND ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE IN AFRICA’’, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGJldduaZNE |
October 2020 Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), Benin | Lead trainer of the free capacity building workshop for young researchers in Benin on “scientific article publishing” practices, https://www.auf.org/afrique-ouest/nouvelles/actualites/benin-renforcement-de-capacite-dune-quinzaine-de-jeunes-chercheurs-la-pratique-de-publication-darticles/ |
Octobre 2020 Center for Applied Mathematics, CAM-FMEN, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš, Serbia | Communicateur lors du Webinar ‘’Mathematics for human flourishing in the time of COVID and post COVID-19’’, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qfhzjhanziLJ8nMbjWrtpotNUs3c_jvq/view?usp=sharing |
26 & 27 August 2020 International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation under the auspices of UNESCO, Malaysia | Online workshop on technopreneurship for developing countries |
July-September 2020 IAC Berlin and Bosch Alumni Network | Participant in the Capacity Building Program for Aspiring Entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan Francophone Africa
Juillet 2019, West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens, University of Ghana | Participation as aF ormator in the Science Leadership Program |
June 2019 American Society for Microbiology | Organization of a training seminar on the art of writing scientific publications, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin |
June 2019 TedX Akpakpa | Participation as a speaker at TEDX AKPAKPA on the theme: ‘Contribution of traditional medicine to the development of Benin as seen by a microbiologist’ |
2019 CeRADIS NGO, Benin | International consultant on the U.S. Department of Defense’s HIV/AIDS Prevention Program through the Initiative ‘Strengthening the Resilience of Benin’s Armed Forces and their Families to HIV’ |
04 April 2019 Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi, University of Abomey-Calavi | Appointment as Head of Distance Learning Division, Autonomous Center for Advanced Development, Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi, University of Abomey-Calavi |
03 April 2019 University of Abomey-Calavi | Appointment as Scientific Secretary of the Research Master in Molecular and Medical Microbiology, Doctoral School of Life and Earth Sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi (Memorandum) |
December 2018 National Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters of Benin | Member of the Permanent Commission on Climate and Environment of the National Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters of Benin (Act of appointment) |
March 05 to 11, 2018 American Society of Microbiology | Participation as a trainer at ASM Hands-On Training on ‘Bacteriological diagnosis in a laboratory: techniques and skills’ done at the University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin (Certification) |
02-11 Octobrand 2017 CORAF, Cotonou, Benin | Participation as a trainer in the training of actors in the West African sub-region on the use of soil microorganisms to increase agricultural productivity while improving soil health (Attestation) |
13-15 April 2017 American Society forMicr obiology, Cotonou, Bénin | Associate trainer at the Workshop in Applied Statistics andArt of Scientific Action for the benefit of students of Professional License in Biomedical Analyses (Attestation) |
December 2016 Benin Synergie Plus | Consultant on the study on the drafting of an advocacy guide for the integration of key populations in HIV-AIDS programs of 04 town halls of Benin (Attestation) |
25 th-26th November 2016 U.S. Ambassador to Benin’s Youth Council | Training of Djougou students in hand hygiene and improvement of the living environment
June 28 to July 16, 2016 Campus du Champ de Foire | Participation in the MooSciTIC Scholar School 2016 (Attestation) |
02 to 03 June 2016 Bird Song, Cotonou | Participation in the Training for the setting up of European projects-HORIZON 2020 (Attestation) |
16 to 20 May 2016 Ministry of Health (Benin) | Participation in the Biosafety and Biosecurity workshop organized by the Ministry of Health of Benin with the support of GSS Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( Atlanta) (Attestation) |
May 10, 2016 American Society of Microbiology | Guest Trainer at the Capacity Building Workshop for Laboratory Technicians on Biological Diagnosis of Typhoid Fever (Attestation) |
December 2015-January 2016 NGO ROOTS Benin | Associate consultant for the mid-term evaluation Mid-term evaluation of the project “Mobilization of spouses of HIV-positive women followed at the ADIS center of RACINES for the screening and strengthening of family care for HIV” (Attestation) |
July 2015 CeRADIS NGO Benin | Facilitator of the training workshop for community associations in associative leadership in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Benin and the promotion of uncovered testimony on HIV/AIDS (German GIZ Backup Project) |
June 2015 CeRADIS NGO Benin | Facilitator of the Workshop on the issues and challenges related to the implementation of the ETME action plan for better care of orphans and children vulnerable to HIV in Benin (Project to strengthen community observatories in connection with HIV/AIDS advocacy) |
May 2015 CeRADIS NGO Benin | Facilitator of the training workshop for civil society organizations on advocacy (Project to strengthen community observatories in connection with HIV/AIDS advocacy) |
29 to 30 January 2015 West Africa Network Programme of Laboratories) Cotonou (Benin) | Training of trainers of the RESAOLAB Program organized by the Mérieux Foundation in partnership with the Ministry of Health of Benin (Attestation) |
November 2014 CeRADIS NGO Benin | Facilitator of the workshop on the operationalization of a framework for analysis by civil society organizations of data from the community observatory and cross-referencing with strategic information on Global Fund funding from the Global Fund Secretariat (Project to strengthen community observatories in connection with HIV/AIDS advocacy) |
September 2014 CeRADIS NGO Benin | Facilitator of the training workshop on the involvement of the people followed and / or intervener on the care centers in the data collection of the community observatory (Project to strengthen community observatories in connection with HIV/AIDS advocacy) |
September 2014 CeRADIS NGO Benin | Facilitator of the sharing workshop on programs funded by the Global Fund in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Benin (Project to strengthen community observatories in connection with HIV/AIDS advocacy) |
November-December 2013 Cabinet INACESS and Plan Benin | Supervision of the Impact Study of the psycho-affective, psychomotor development and well-being of children infected with HIV and under ARVs and who receive the complete package of support for OVC (Attestation) |
November-December 2013 Plan Benin | Supervision of the Second Generation Surveillance Survey (ESDG) of HIV and STIs among Injecting Drug Users (IDU) in Benin (Attestation) |
May-June 2013 OCAL | Supervision of the Second Generation STI, HIV and AIDS Survey of truck drivers, their apprentices and registered and clandestine sex workers frequenting the ports of Apapa, Cotonou, Lomé, Tema and Abidjan, stationed in Tema, Ghana (Attestation) |
Decembre 2012 Fondation SeSE, Bisnin | Third prize in the Essay Competition on “Health for Development, or Development for Health? What do you think is the best option for our country, in terms of priority? Defend your position(s) with examples, clear proposals and well-identified solutions.” |
February 2011 Ouémé-Plateau Departmental Hospital, Benin | Academic Internship at the Parasitology Laboratory |
March 2008- August 2008 National University Hospital Center (CNHU), Cotonou – Benin | Academic internship in laboratory services (Parasitology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Hematology, Blood Bank) |
July 2007- September 2007 Menontin Health Center, Cotonou- Benin | Academic Internship at the Biomedical Analysis Laboratories |
In the field of research
Year Country Structure | Experiences |
October 2021- to date Ministry of Health, Benin | Ex-Quality Member of the National Commission for the Approval of Health Products (CNHPS), Beninese Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (ABRP), Ministry of Health, Benin |
15 October 2021 University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin | Organization of the inauguration of block B of the Research Unit in Applied Microbiology and Pharmacology of Natural Substances (URMAPha), Research Laboratory in Applied Biology (LARBA), Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi (EPAC), University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC) by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS), Professor Eleonore YAYI LADEKAN, https://youtu.be/QUN3iiF1f2M |
October 2020 Academy of Young Scientists of Cameroon | Communicator (How to help build a sustainable research system in Africa) at a Webinar on the role of Youth Academies in Africa’s development |
July 2020 National Research Foundation (NRF), South Africa | Member of the adjudication panel of proposals submitted to the Rapid Grant Fund for Africa, Covid-19 Program |
May 2020 L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science | Evaluator of applications for the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Young Talent Award |
Mai 2020 InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) | Membre du Projet ‘Combatting Predatory Academic Journals and Conferences’, https://www.interacademies.org/project/predatorypublishing |
Mars 2020 Global Young Academy | Appointed as a Fellow of the Global Young Academy, https://globalyoungacademy.net/vdougnon/ |
January 2020 Tertiary Commission of Education, Mauritius | Evaluator of abstracts for the Third Edition of National Research Week 2020 |
Janvier 2020 Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention Ethiopia | Abstract Evaluator for the International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases 2020, 18-20 March 2020, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
26-27 December 2019 National Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters of Benin | Organization and participation in the Workshop ‘Modelling as a tool for predicting epidemics and environmental risks in Benin’ organized by the Permanent Commission on Climate and Environment of the National Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters of Benin (Attestation) |
17-18 December 2019 National Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters of Benin | Organization and participation in the Workshop ‘Environment and infectious diseases: How can science contribute to the achievement of global goals?’ organized by the Permanent Commission on Climate and Environment of the National Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters of Benin (Attestation) |
13-14 December 2019 Academy of Young Scientists of Benin | Organization and participation in the National Camp of Young Scientists of Benin with the financial support of the American Society for Microbiology (Attestation) |
October – November 2019 University of Helsinki, Finland | Scientific stay at the University of Helsinki, Finland (Attestation) |
July 2019 Kwamé N’Krumah University, Ghana | Participation in the Practical Course on Phages in West Africa (Attestation) |
June 2019 American Society for Microbiology | Organization of a community activity called “Epidemics in a Connected World” in Benin with the support of the National Museum of Natural History (“NMNH”) of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20013, United States (Attestation) |
02 November 2018 Academy of Young Scientists of Benin | President of the Academy of Young Scientists of Benin (AJSB) |
19 October 2018 National Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters of Benin | Member of the Commission for the selection of the Members of the Academy of Young Scientists of Benin (Chairman’s decision) |
May 14 to 17, 2018 American Society of Microbiology, Cotonou, Benin | Participation as main organizer of the Microbiology Week Colloquium (Attestation) |
August 2016- August 2018 U.S. Embassy in Benin | Member of the Youth Council to the U.S. Ambassador to Benin (Letter of selection) |
April 2016 CeRADIS | Participation in the 8th edition of the International Francophone HIV/Hepatitis Conference (AFRAVIH) in Brussels ( Belgium) (Attestation) |
November 2015 CeRADIS | Participation in the International Conference on AIDS and STI in Africa (ICASA) in Harare (Zimbabwe) |
November 2015 INACES | Associate consultant of the Second Generation Surveillance Survey of Injecting Drug Users (CDI) in Benin (Attestation) |
August 2015 INACES | Consultant (Supervisor) of the Behavioral and Biological Surveillance Survey among truck drivers, sex workers and homosexuals at borders and hotspots along the Abidjan-Lagos corridor; Ghana Component Manager (Attestation) |
February 2014- March 2014 Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Legon University | Practical Internship in Microbiology/Pharmacology at the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, University of Legon, Ghana (Attestation) |